Long and Winding Road

A very ordinary middle-class life of a very ordinary middle-aged Japanese woman living in a very ordinary middle-sized city.

Jul 25, 2020

What answer you'll get depends 90% on how you communicate #3

Chapter 3: Anyone can create "strong expression" -- Systematic process to create strong strong expression.

-The amount of information has become 530 times larger in the last 10 years due to the internet.
 *Boring expressions are ignored.
 *High-profile people's speeches sounds very impressive. That is because they know how to make impressive expressions, not because they are high-profile. Such ability made them well known.
-Definition of "strong expression": Wording to move someone's emotion.
-How to generate energy in your words: Make a contrast
-Five techniques to  make contrasts
 Surprising method
 Gap method
 Emotional method (Depict emotional or physical reactions)
 Repeating method
 Climax method
 -Expressions based on one's emotion are universally strong.
 -Human behaviors/acts are determined NOT by rules, but emotion.


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